PosCon profile sensors

Brochures - Product Overview

PosCon profile sensors

Width measurement

  • Object widths, gap measurement and edge measurement
  • Measuring field up to 125 mm
  • Resolution up to 20 µm
  • Integrated OK/NOK check
  • Measurement independent of radial run-out

Height measurement

  • Max, min, average and delta height measurement
  • Measuring field up to 72 mm
  • Resolution up to 2 µm
  • Integrated OK/NOK check
  • Measurement independent of position in measuring field

Measurement of round objects

  • Measurement of circle center position, diameter, top and outer positions
  • Measuring field up to 125 mm
  • Resolution up to 30 µm
  • Integrated OK/NOK checks
  • Measurement independent of position in measuring field

Height measurement with OPC UA, Modbus TCP and webserver

  • IIoT-Ready using Ethernet interface with OPC UA and Modbus TCP
  • Simple parameterization and monitoring via integrated web interface
  • Transmission of additional data
  • Simple integration of the sensors into the PLC
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